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Teapot  Inspired  by  Nancy Y  Adams

Her Work

  • Inspired by the natural environment

    • Studio in the rural part of Oregon 

  • She uses the wheel for all her pieces and carves the smaller pieces (the birds, flowers, plants, etc.)

  • She glazes her pieces by airbrushing low fire glazes and using many layers of underglaze

  • She fires her pieces in the kiln

  • Fascinated by "the way the vessels meet the sky and the vessels look at the edges— very much like the horizon stepping into infinity"

About  Her

Artwork Inspired by Nancy

I was inspired by Nancy's illusions of nature and light pastel colors. I tried to create a woman whose dress turns into an upside down flower-like shape. The gradual increase in width of the skirt is exaggerated for functionality purposes.  The skirt emulates a large outer layer of a rose. While I loved Nancy's connection to nature, I also loved the light green color she uses in many of her pieces. As a result, I painted the vines on the outside of the rose that same color. Because Nancy is so intrigued by the sky, I chose a light blue as the other color. Although the colors of the teapot are delicate, the woman stands strong, almost tank-like. The pot touches upon the strength and resilience of both women and nature. 

Floral Tank Woman

Medium: Ceramics & Glaze

Dimensions: 6" x 6" x 7"

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